東 麻 布 さ い こ う

Job Description

Recruitment Type
Store Manager Candidates / Managers
Employment Status
full-time employee (正社員)
Salary and Benefits
Monthly salary ranging from 400,000 yen and up.
・Probationary period of 3 months with no change in salary.
・Opportunities for salary increases
・Transportation expenses
Qualification Requirements
・Practical experience in management or store management, including positions such as store manager.
*Experience in a sushi restaurant is not required.
Working Hours
9:00 AM - 11:00 PM (with 1-hour break, 8-hours actual working)
*Working hours are subject to change depending on the busy season.
Holidays and Leave
8 days off per month
・Includes weekly Sundays and public holidays as regular days off
・Year-end and New Year holidays
・Summer holidays
・Paid leave available
Conditions and Treatments
・Free hairstyle (Japanese 'punch-perm' also acceptable)
・Insurance system (employment insurance, industrial accident insurance, welfare pension, health insurance)
・Meal provided
・Transportation allowance provided
・Training provided
・No relocations
・Complimentary drink, such as beer, at the end of the workday
・Uniforms provided (cleaning service by a designated provider)
Business Content
Customer Service Tasks:
・Assisting customers with seating
・Taking orders
・Serving and presenting dishes and drinks
・Managing reservations
・Assisting in cooking tasks (preparation, plating, drink preparation, etc.)

Store Management Tasks:
・Managing sales
・Planning and promoting events within the store
・Staff development, attendance management, and recruitment
・Collaborating with the head chef to create menus and courses
And more.

As a Service Manager, you will be responsible for the overall operation of the store.
We look forward to your active involvement in creating and managing a restaurant that delights our customers, including tasks such as customer service and menu development.
Desired Qualities
・Proactive approach to tasks
・Motivation to learn and improve skills
・Enjoyment in making others happy
・Enjoyment in engaging with people
・Genuine Passion for sushi
Desirable Skills to Have
・Practical experience in a sushi restaurant (no specific role required)
・Practical experience in the food and beverage industry
・Practical experience in customer service
・Practical experience in cooking
・Interest in alcoholic beverages
Acquirable skills
・Knife skills
・Plating techniques
・Knowledge of premium ingredients
・Knowledge of Wine
・Knowledge of Japanese sake
・Knowledge of alcoholic beverages (liqueurs, whiskey, etc.)
・Understanding of various types of fish
・Table manners
・Store management
・Menu development
・Ingredient selection and procurement